Monday, October 20, 2008

Resistance 2 Beta

I'm not going to give a review on it, since I've only played co-op and this is just a beta. But I will say that co-op is addictive, especially when you're in a group with good and cool people who are all about teamwork.

Now for some of my experiences with the beta. hehehe.

I've actually finished a game with 2 medics and me as a spec ops. Yes. Only the 3 of us survived the whole co-op mission. I can't explain it, but it was pretty fun.

Being the only spec ops in a group with 3 soldiers and 2 medics. And having the 2 soldiers moan and whine to me about not getting ammo fast enough. So I tell them that they're deaf and then I proceed to give out ammo to everyone but them. Also it was funny listening to them talking all tough, swearing and bossing everyone around and no one was listening to them. So after the game I send both of them a message, and one didn't answer me, the other one shit his pants. I called him a hypocrite with the things he told me in his reply, but eventually he didn't want any from me, so in the end I decided to be the bigger man and I apologized. But it was pretty much, my friends were cracking up about how he went from internet tough guy to being one of those guys that hide in the corner when someone pushes back at them.

Having a team go Rambo and one medic and me always being the last ones standing and having to revive them. The 7 of us actually finished the mission which was surprising.

Game where there was 8 of us. Saw mill. Wave of teleporting Chimera. A friend of mine who is playing as a medic stays on one of the catwalks and he calls me to come over by him and stay there where the Chimera can't get us. And slowly one by one the rest of the team catches on and we're all on the catwalk killing Chimera left and right. Eventually we had 1 soldier, 1 spec ops and 1 medic do the same on the other catwalk and nobody died after that. Now it's something I use everytime we get to the saw mill.

Turning invisible and shutting down the turrents by the gas station and having everyone ask, "How'd you do that"? And I tell them, "Ancient Chinese secret". And that causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Fire station, everyone already ran out leaving all of the cocoons, so I'm using melee attack on them and one of the guys comes back in and asks me what am I doing and I respond into my mic, "Oh. Oops". The guy cracks up laughing.

Me saying in my mic, "I got those flying raisins". And everyone bursting out in laughter, and us calling the flying drones "flying raisins" for the rest of the co-op mission as our code word for them.

The hill part where you have to defend the hill from the waves of rushing Chimera, someone had a great strategy of going to the top teleporter and having the soliders put up their shields on both sides of the teleporter and spec ops feed them ammo while the medics do their thing. And I was surprised that it actually worked.

Same part of co-op, but instead of the teleporter, all of jumped on the rocks next to it. Same thing, soldiers shields up and blasting away, spec ops feeding ammo and using alternate attack and getting headshots, and medics draining away Chimera energy and healing the group.

I have more "war stories" but these are ones that come to mind. I can't wait for the full game to come out next month. I'll be spending most of my time in co-op.

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